Saturday, 18 November 2017

Halloween Treat Protocol for after COVID-19

I hope you are ready for an amazing holiday season not only this year but for all the years to come.  I think this year has taught us some lessons for all to ponder and making incorporate into the future.  The pandemic has led us to understand things about our economy, and the medical world that needs to change.  It has also given us a new understanding of health and ideas to make sure our family is safe for the future.  We have put in place many protocols for holiday gatherings and regulations as well.  What I have enjoyed seeing is a tribute to health for Halloween and ideas to make sure our kids and family stay safe.  The joys of handing our favorite candy boxes to all the children are just wonderful.  It is great to see them light up when they chose the candy boxes and sweet treats you have laid out for them.  THis year thought we have had to add a lot of extra protection for them and I think it is something that is going to keep going on for years and decades to come.


What we saw were that some families were following social distancing and strict protocols for their trick or treating and some families were not.  The fact is that the statistics on rather one is better than the other are almost nonexistent.  But I think that the idea of keeping our kids from getting sick when visiting a lot of strangers or even getting the house residents sick by the visiting is a good idea.  The distancing was a good move and at our home, we made sure to separate out buckets of candy so the kids could each be separate.  We also put spooky foot sings for them to keep their distance if so desired.  We did not force anyone into our way of doing things and well kids will be kids, but we gave the open option to do it and to make sure everyone felt comfortable doing it.  I don't think it should be a law, but a choice, because that is what America is all about. 


The next thing we made sure of doing was making sure the candy was going to be safe.  The thing is that we believed that some kids or parents were going to disinfect the candy before anyone was able to eat it.  It didn't matter if only one person or child did this.  But what if they used bleach on the candy and then had their kids eat it.  Some containers are made of cardboard and can soak those chemicals right in.  I didn't want anyone to even have to think about getting hurt so we decided to only use waterproof materials for our treats.  We got bars and bags that were all air tight and water sealed because we wanted to ensure that no kids got harmed dur9ng this fun holiday.  YOu never know if one kid is going to put hand sanitizer all over his candy because they saw it done on Youtube.  So we thought it was better safe than sorry and we think its a good idea for the future as well.


So I hope this helps you with holiday ideas.  Get good treats and make sure everyone is safe!

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